I have an Emlid Reach RS2 as a base station.
I tried to post process the coordinates using Static processing on Emlid Studio. The coordinates came out a little different from what I had when averaging the position; is it possible to get the same coordinates?
Then I tried to use kinematic processing to get the coordinates but it is way off, since I set the averaging time to 20 minutes, I wonder if Reach RS2 is logging the data while averaging its position.
Hi Jinwen,
You’re right. The coordinates from average FIX and Static processing should match. Can you please share the raw data from Reach and the CORS with me? I’ll look into them. You can also email them to support@emlid.com as it may contain sensitive information.
Besides, which NTRIP service did you use for averaging in FIX?
By default, Reach starts recording the logs after it’s turned on. You can check whether this option is enabled in Emlid Flow under Logging → Recorded logs and settings → Settings.
@kornel.nemeti is correct in the time observation, i.e. there’s a limit to the accuracy gained versus time on station. But how are you going to verify the point if you only have 10-30 opochs of observation data.
PP has saved my ass many a time and one requirement to PP is enough data. If it’s an important point, you need to log enough data for PP.
There’s no defined time length, however 10 minutes @10 hz would give you enough data for PP… IF you have short baselines to PP. This is why I always have another base on the project site logging data @5 hz or better if using any kind of RTN or even radio RTK.
In post processing, the more time collected on a point the better.
Hello Kornel,
Below is the link for the raw data and CORS data.
NTRIP information:
Address:, Port: 10000, Mount point: MSM4_NEAR
Hi Jinwen,
I can’t access the folders for now, but I have requested it. Can you please confirm? Thanks!
Thank you for sharing your data! Please give me some time to check it, and I’ll share my findings afterwards.