Post-processed stop-and-go survey – are we there yet?

Thanks for the information, Stephanie. That’s a clever workaround from EZSurv, given the current limitation of RearchRS firmware.

Recall that RearchRS doesn’t output raw RINEX data with the start and end times of stop&go occupations (e.g., GCPs). That prevents most GNSS post-processing software to automatically average the epoch-by-epoch results and obtain more precise GCP coordinates. Of course, the user could still manually split the continuous session into discrete occupations, if they knew their corresponding time intervals.

Enter ReachView CSV output. It gives you the start and end times, along with the RTK coordinates. The coordinates themselves can be discarded, since they will be improved in post-processing. But the times are precious information, now cleverly reused by EZSurf.

I’m finally more comfortable purchasing ReachRS for surveying work.