Points duplicated in the Emlid Flow Job

  1. Emlid Flow app version 9.12
  2. The name and parameters of the coordinate system : EPSG 7801 (BGS2005/CCS2005)
  3. Detailed issue description: During survey of topo points ( single RTK measurements) suddenly the app starts to duplicate the measurements. For example: Job with 150 measurements have 280 points. Points 1-20 are OK. Points 21-150 are duplicated (21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, …etc.)

What can be the reason?
The issue is found in Emlid Flow on Android with RS2.

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Recently i have the same situation, i dont know why…! I have an RS2 and a android phone. This thing not happen with Iphones…

Alberto Oliva-GEOS

I got the error of duplication of the point in the survey that I made on 02/17/2024, from point 45 to the last 61; the previous ones from 1 to 45 were taken without duplicate. Days later I have done other work and the points have not been duplicated.
Emlid RS2 with version 31.8 and Emlid Flow 9.12
Waiting for comments by Emlid.

Hi guys,

We’re investigating this behavior with our development team. Could you please provide us with the following information? Your answers would be of great help in our investigation.

  • Did you connect to Reach via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth?

  • What type of Correction Input do you use?

  • Are the FIX-only and Averaging timer options enabled in the Survey settings tab? I’ve attached the screenshot of where to find the Survey settings tab.

  • What coordinate system do you use for your project?

  • Did you notice something specific before the duplication occurred? For example, a change in the solution status.

  • Do you see the same points duplicated also in the Objects list in Emlid Flow?

*I connect via Wi-Fi.
*I use Real Time Positioning Service (SPTR) from IGN Spain with a mounting point in network corrections, VRS3M or CERCANA3M solution, RTCM3.2 (MSM) format.
I am in Tenerife and I use REGCAN95/UTM zone 28N Tenerife Height
*FIX only
*I didn’t notice anything. When I got to the download in the office is when I detected it.
*If they look the same.

The same with me:
*I connect via Wi-Fi.
*I use NTRIP corrections.
*EPSG:7801 BGS2005/CCS2005
*FIX only
*I didn’t notice anything. When I got to the download in the office is when I detected it.
*I see the same points duplicated in the objects list in Emlid Flow.

Thank you for sharing all these details! I’ve passed them on to our developers, and they’re already investigating it.

Hi everyone,

We’ve released a new version of Emlid Flow - version 10. It contains a possible fix for the issue with point duplication. Please update the app and check if it helps.

Feel free to share your experiences! Thank you.

We still have the same problem with version 10. For us it seems the the problems starts when renaming the points.
For that a user incremental would also be awsome to have so we don´t have to rename our points if the increment is something else than +1

Details for the points measured:
FIX only
Coordinate System: MGI Austrian GK Central + GHA height
Connected via WiFi
NTRIP Correction

Rename or change the description is the issue for the behavior of duplicating the points.
With my last project, there was no problem (without point or description rename).

Hi Dominik,

Do I understand correctly that the points get multiplied after you rename it? Is it multiplied in the Object list in Emlid Flow or in the CSV after exporting the project?

When collecting the point, it’s also possible to modify its name right away before saving it instead of leaving the automatically incremented value. Or would you like to do it some other way?

Hi Kornel,

the duplicates also exist in the Object list.

The problem is that we would like to name the points according to a regular distribution, e.g. +4 in that example:


At the moment we (mostly) use the function to change the points in advance, but this takes time and sometimes leads to the problem with duplicates if someone forgot to change the naming and we have to rename it. Therefore this optional possibilities would be nice to adjust the auto-renaming to have some more possibilities than just +1.

Hi Dominik,

Can you please update Emlid Flow to version 10.5., and check if this point duplication persists?

Also, thank you for the request about point naming! I’ve noted it and will pass it on to the team for further consideration.

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