Point ID and Code problem

Hello there.

It’s problematic that you can’t have a decimal point in the point ID, it’s normally used to indicate it’s a line. Most software can interpret it as a line when importing.

A quick fix would be to use semicolon in the csv file instead of decimal point.

Hi Andreas,

Welcome to our community!

We surely want the points to be indicated correctly. However, I haven’t seen any similar issues, so I’ll need some details from you to be sure how it works.

  • Which decimal point do you mean? Please share a CSV file example so that we can look into it.

  • In which software do you face issues?

In the instrument i normally set:
ID: 1,01-1,05 for line and ID: 1-123… for point.

I don’t know any other way to tell my software, Topocad, that it’s a line.

It would be the best if you could use landxml for import and export because it can store points/lines/arc/tin…

Landxml is an open format that is widely used.

Hi Andreas,

Got the idea, thanks! We’ll keep it in mind for the future :slight_smile:

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