OPUS Solutation processing workaround help

I just did a field test today of the Reach RS+ and need to know if there is a workaround for processing the raw rinex flies. I tried to upload to OPUS to obtain my correction but the rinex is only using one frequency (L1). Does anyone know of a solution to this problem? I was just running the Base with no rover and collecting raw data to use for PPK geo tagging drone images.

Try to use NRCAN instead https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/maps-tools-publications/tools/geodetic-reference-systems-tools/tools-applications/10925#ppp
You collect raw GNSS data from 2 hrs to 24 hrs depending on the accuracy required.
CSRS-PPP online post-processing tool will use the best available ephemerides (FINAL, RAPID or ULTRA-RAPID).

FINAL (+/- 2 cm): combined weekly and available 13 -15 days after the end of the week
RAPID (+/- 5 cm): available the next day
ULTRA RAPID (+/- 15 cm): available every 90 minutes (not available to download)

So you have to wait from 13 to 15 days if you want more accuracy (when Final ephemerids are available).

Hi Mike,

Reach RS+ is a single-band receiver so it indeed tracks only L1 signal. If you’re looking for a multi-band solution, you might want to take a look at our Reach RS2 receiver.

L1-logs can be processed with NRCAN only. However, according to the test provided by one of our users, the maximum horizontal accuracy it’s possible to get is 15-30 cm.

Regarding the precision personally with RS+ I was able to obtain a horizontal precision ranging from 15 cm to 25 cm and a vertical precision from 60 cm to 1 m which I consider in my opinion a very good result for an absolute positioning.

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