Only new points export

I would like to inquire whether it would be possible to incorporate a restriction in the app for the csv export of the points where the date can be used to select which points are exported.
So I could only export the newly measured points.

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I mean seems pretty simple with a date range right? Personally I wish it was tied into layers system so that each survey session would have it’s own layer. This would apply to imports as well. This would be huge in construction to separate scopes of work. One layer of points for all the utilities and another for concrete work and so on. Then you can start figuring out how to control the view accordingly to thawed/frozen layers. I think that will be particularly important before we get linework on the screen.


Hi guys,

Sounds like a cool feature request. I passed it to the team.

Michael, I like the layers idea as well, but I must say it seems to be a way more complicated one. But noted!


This is a huge feature missing in ReachView. When we collect points, we collect for our own assets, and need to distinguish between the type of asset, example, fiber type, a vault in the ground, or various other things, including sometimes marking other utility companies assets for our reference (electric poles, drainage pipe, etc.)

Right now, this is almost impossible, because of the time it takes to add a description every time we capture a point.


Same. When topo’ing walls and utility objects it is easy to walk down one line being able to collect features in a snaking manner versus walking all the way down one side and then back up the other which basically doubles the walking time. I.E., FNC/BOC/EOP/CL/WWMH/EOP/BOC/FNC… Especially if you are doing a half-mile wall with a bench in it. I envision voice to text in the not so distant future. Being able to hit an edit button and then just speak. Right now we have to open point edit, click on the description and then hit the mic button to speak the description.


Hi guys,

We always rely on your feedback on what can make surveying with ReachView 3 more convenient. We need some time to think about how best to implement this feature. But it’s in our plans.

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