Offset for non Emlid Antenna

Hi All,

I have just purchased a Harxon HX-CSX627A to use with with the M2 as a semi-permanent static base.

The antenna has a NGS calibration [Antenna Calibrations (]

When setting the antenna over a known base, what offset would i use to account for the L1/L2 phase centre offset over the ARP?

50mm (5cm)

For my reference, and if i ever use other antennas, how did you find that?

I couldn’t find any documentation from Harxon, so I compared where NGS shows the offset for a known antenna (RS2) in their test result, and then looked for the figure in the same place for the Harxon HX-CSX627A.

I’m not absolutely positive, but it looks reasonable.

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Thank you, i can see printed on the antenna it says L2 47.8mm and L1 54mm


there ya go, confirmed!

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So it is just the difference between these two?

It is somewhere in between, not necessarily exactly the difference. I would use what NGS determined unless you are only going to use only one band or the other.

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