Number of satellites used in baseline processing


Is it possible to see the number of satellites that are used to RTK position calculation? In Emlid Flow app and Reach Panel in a web browser I see a number of Emlid satellites in view and number of correction satellites. But number of satellites used in baseline processing can differ from these numbers.

What numbers are shown in XYZ log or nmea stream via TCP? Is there the number of Emlid satellites in view or the number of satellites used to position calculation?

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Hi @Peter3,

The number of satellites shown in the XYZ log or NMEA message is the number of satellites used for the calculation.

Emlid Flow or Reach Panel displays all satellites within view.

Are you looking to achieve something specific by observing which satellites are used for calculations in the Emlid Flow or Reach Panel? Also, can you explain your setup in more detail?

Would very much like to see the used number of sats instead of the total amount.
The total amount just create false confidence, whereas the used number would give a good indication of the quality of fix/difficulty of the environment.


Totally agree with this and it’s been niggling me for a while. I don’t see the point of knowing everything hypothetically up there in view, what is important is knowing what’s actually contributing to my fix.


Hi guys,

Thank you for clarifying! I see your point, and I’ve registered your feature request. For now, you can use the NMEA message to check the number of satellites used for calculation.

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