Number of geotagged photos < original photos

Hello, I am using Emlid Studio version 1.8 to do PPK processing for a photos taken with a phantom 4 pro drone equipped with a Mettatec PPK kit (X5 gps rover) and an Emlid base GPS (RS2). I was able to process the data (40 drone photos, and the event.pos file also includes 40 events) with 100% fix but then when geotagging, the output folder of geotagged photos only includes ~30 photos (each time I try, it gives me a new number between 20 and 30!) I am wondering why I am not getting all the photos? Thanks!

Hi Emma,

Welcome to the forum!

Could you please share your processing data with me? I’ll need both the logs and the photos to check what’s going on.

You can PM me or send the files to using Google Drive or WeTransfer.

Here is the wetransfer link the files! link

UPD. Removed the link from the comment to keep the data private.

Thank you Julia! I have sent the relevant files to using wetransfer.


Thank you! I’ve received the files. Give me a bit of time to check them, and I’ll be back with my thoughts.

I tried to tag the photos using the events.pos file you sent, and everything worked like a charm. All 40 images were geotagged. I sent them to you via email and removed the link to the original files from the public comment to keep the data private.

Do you have enough space on your drive for output? Just an assumption that some of the photos can’t be geotagged because of it. You can choose a different folder for output and try once again.

Hi Julia, thanks a lot! I was saving the output files in dropbox and I think I have plenty of space so that shouldn’t be the problem. So I am not sure what is! I did receive the tagged photos by email from Julie.

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I noticed that the folder of geotagged photos you sent me has a slightly different. Did you correct for a time delay of the photo capture and locations? I have been using a free online tool from Metatec to correct for a 0.3 second delay.

Hi Emma,

Have you tried processing the data using a different folder for output? Was it of any help? Also, is there a chance you can test it on a different laptop?

No, I haven’t changed the data in any way. I only geotagged the photos using the X5_logs_240520_181231_events.pos file from your archive. It has a FIX position for all 40 photos, so I thought it should be all right.

What kind of delay are you talking about? Why do you need to correct the data?

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