I still can not understand how to configure rechview to have internet and configure NTRIP ???

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Which part of it do you problems with? Be very specific, then it is easier to help.

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Hello Christian !!! how do I configure the wifi data if the reach rs + is connected by a wifi network. I have a phone with data that is not the one that I use the ReachView

a little confused by the current screens and version 2.1

Are you connected to reach via WiFi or via phone hotspot?
What NTRIP service are you trying to connect to?

through my iPhone 7 Rover

That’s what I do not understand !!! how to make a hostpost connection and another wifi ???

Hola Luis.

En tu antena rover debes de meter las credenciales del punto wifi que crea tu iPhone (nombre y contraseña).

En el campo antes de encender tu antena debes de activar tu iPhone para que funcione cómo un punto wifi, puedes verificar con otro celular que ya está funcionando. Una vez confirmado enciendes tu antena y debe de conectarse automáticamente al punto wifi.

Ahora ya puedes abrir reachview en tu mismo iPhone o en otro dispositivo que también esté conectado al punto wifi del iPhone


In your rover antenna you must enter the credentials of the wifi point that your iPhone creates (name and password).

In the field before turning on your antenna you must activate your iPhone to work as a Wi-Fi hotspot, you can check with another cell phone that is already working. Once confirmed, turn on your antenna and you must automatically connect to the Wi-Fi hotspot.

Now you can open reachview on your iPhone.


Es preferible meter las credenciales del iPhone/wifi (nombre y contraseña) cuando estás en tu casa para que no tengas confusiones.

It is preferable to enter the credentials of the iPhone / wifi (name and password) when you are at home so you do not have confusions.

Ahora estoy dando clases en la universidad cuando vuelva te envío una foto de la duda que tengo. Eso de hostpost no entiendo y si cuando está conectado lo debo abrir por IP

Now I’m teaching at the university when I return I send you a picture of the doubt I have. That of hostpost I do not understand and if when it is connected I must open it by IP


Estoy recordando que tú tienes unas rs+, en ese caso es más fácil.
Sólo debes de dejar que la antena escane las redes disponibles y meter la contraseña.

Tu problema es que la antena no encuentra el punto wifi que crea tu iPhone?.

I’m remembering that you have some rs +, in that case it’s easier.
You just have to let the antenna scan the available networks and enter the password.

Your problem is that the antenna does not find the wifi point that your iPhone creates?.

no la encuentra porque tiene activado el hostspot y el cellular lo que hace es conectarse inmediatamente al wifi del reach rs+

In English
It does not find it because it has activated the hostspot and the cellular what it does is to connect immediately to the WiFi of the reach RS +

Answers to the most popular questions can usually be found in our docs :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s a guide on “How to connect Reach to the Internet”.
This one is about working with NTRIP service after the first step.


solved! the problem is what to move the key to off
Uploading: 1C400815-3C63-4CEB-81DD-91CFAEF95FA6.jpeg…

If the reach unit is connected to an access point, then the reach hotspot will always be off. There is never a case where both are on.

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