Ntrip vrs connection to rover, with no Base?

Hi, I’m new to this so please bear with me. I want to connect my reach to a pixhawk and fly autonomous missions with mission planner and use the reach for rtk geotagged photos.

My question is: I want to send the rtk corrections directly to my rover reach from an ntrip vrs correction service. Is this possible with no need to set up a base or do any post processing? And what sort of accuracy should I expect?

Thanks for your help

I use the ntrip setup from a vrs network realtime solution for surveying purposes. I find the biggest factor for accuracy is distance of the baseline (rover to nearest base station) also your solution is dependent on the accuracy of the control (base ). From the limited testing ive done within 10kms 10 to 30mms and out to 40kms about 300mms in x,y positioning. The vertical positioning seems to be about a factor of 2 to 3 times worse as a guide.

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So in order to get accurate results at 40km only using vrs you have to be able to use l1 and l2?

I was hoping that using a virtual base system would get rid of the long baseline issues.

I originally made the same assumption. maybe with a vrs solution it better models the effects of error but its modelling is still based upon the effects of errors at given base stations so i can only assume the further the interpolation the larger the error. Im based in Australia using “auscors” which is a grid based on approximate seperations of less than 200kms between CORS (base stns ). A better network will produce better results. Maybe someone else can confirm a similar experience?

OK thanks for your advice.

Do you use auscors for a vrs or just get the correction from a single cors?


The easiest setup for you would be to use Mission Planner as a NTRIP client. You could connect your GCS to the Internet and stream correction data from NTRIP service of your choice, then inject it to the telemetry radio, just like we described in the docs.

Keep in mind, that VRS NTRIP stations require a location feedback from the client. Reach does support this feature, but it works only with directly delivered corrections, not injected. I am not sure about Mission Planner, but it should be there.

Sorry fred i was under the impression i was recieving a vrs solution which i have checked with my network provider who has informed me that i am only recieving fix from a single cors as u hinted.

Ok good that makes more sense. It shouldn’t give such massive errors if you had vrs at 40km. The vrs licence is pretty expensive though. I use it for surveying with trimble equipment and was hoping to utilise on a uav. I’m just not sure if reach can send the position back to server to get the vrs.

Ok kool. Yh i think it does. I got adviced to turn “Transmit NMEA GPGGA messages to base” as single and this satisfies that requirement…

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