NTRIP over Bluetooth and 3rd party app

I would like to know if this is possible or if I’m doing something wrong.

I am using RS3 as a Rover, and NTRIP (Iowa) over Bluetooth from my Samsung s22 Ultra.

I am needing to get rtk corrections for a third party app. (WM Survey 2 from Trimble). From what I have gathered so far, I need to use NTRIP Client Lefebure. I have gone through developer options steps etc.

I received a RTK fix when in the emlid app, but when I go to NTRIP Client Lefebure and connect, the connection gets lost with my RS3.

What are my options?

Hi Brandon,

Welcome to our community!

Let’s investigate. Can you please check if you experience the same while connecting to your Reach RS3 via Wi-Fi or mobile hotspot and using NTRIP instead of NTRIP over Bluetooth?

Is it the connection with the NTRIP service or the connection via Emlid Flow that disconnects? Can you please send a screenshot of the messages you see in Lefebure?

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Hi. Im experiencing a similar problem. We’re using a thrid party website so survey our water pipes, but I cant seem to get the RS3 to connect to the webside.

When im in the Emlid app it’s all ready to survey, but when I open the third party website the rover doesnt want to connect and after a short while the rover looses connection.

Hi @gps.land,

Welcome to our community!

Can you please specify which third-party application you’d like to use with Reach RS3? How would you like to establish the connection between them?

Hi. It’s a website called kvd.norkart.no. I’ve connected my phone and the RS3/rover via wifi, and an NTRIP connection. The RS3 works fine in the Emlid app, but the second I go over to the website and try to connect the the rover nothing happens. It did connect once a few days ago, but I got the wrong heights. Now however it dosnt want to connect anymore and Im not sure why.

Hi @gps.land,

I see. How would you like to connect Reach RS3 to this website? Is there a surveying app where you’d like to stream Reach’s position?

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