NOAA forecasts severe solar storm - Friday, May 10 2024

MEDIA ADVISORY: NOAA Forecasts Severe Solar Storm; Media Availability Scheduled for Friday, May 10 | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

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This is very cool !

All those north of South Carolina latitude should have a wonderful view of the aurora. It’s 03;53 UTC (23;53 local) now her close to the border of NC/SC and theres a cloud deck moving SE;

Maybe I’ll be able to see it !


No dice for seeing, I tried at 1:00 am and 3-4 am . I have clear view of north sky from 10° elevation up.

I guess I’ll try again tonight, but I’ll be tired at work tomorrow !


We had the brightest Northern Lights Ive ever seen here in Alberta


I’m afraid, living in Texas, I won’t be seeing much of these spectacular night shows due to being too far south and the cloudy weather we have been having lately. I missed the clear skies for the Total Eclipse this year also, due to the cloud cover. Still was pretty cool to see how dark it got and the automatic building lights and car lights coming on in the afternoon during the Total Eclipse. Six Flags also did their fireworks show during the dark skies period at around 1:30 during the afternoon. I have never seen the Northern Lights while living in Michigan either…
I’ll have to be content watching the Northern Lights on YouTube.
Also went out yesterday and did a few tests shots with both the RS2 and the LS. Neither seemed particularly affected by the recent solar storms, though the LS had less confirmed RTPK shots on one point vs the previous week, which might have just been due to the different satellite geometry between the sessions. I hope you’re able to see them.