No fix on ppk solution - R3

Hello fellow Emliders.

I am unsuccessfully trying to carry out PPK processing on the rover data

Unfortunately, I am unable to attch the files as I am a new user. I am happy to send the docs to anyone that is willing to lend a hand.Otherwise you can download them from: WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free

Antenna height of the Base: 1.74m
Antenna height of the Rover: 2M

Coordinates of the base unit:
-1.93151928,43.32176188,67.372,11402.018,PASA3M,ETRS89 / UTM zone 30N + EGM2008 height. (This was taken using rtk)

Could the base coordinates be incorrect? Or could the fact that I have used the orthometric height rather than the ellipsoidal height creating problems? For example, if I load the coordinates from the Rinex Header File, I get a slightly different height registered.

This was a test project, so I also have the coordinates of the GCPs in RTK.

Any comments or recommendations welcome.

Hi Andrew,

I’ve checked your logs, and observation files from the base and the rover don’t overlap in time:

  • Base file time: 06:22:54—09:01:04 GPST
  • Rover file time: 09:13:21—09:30:49 GPST

That’s why corrections are not applied, and you get a SINGLE solution only. Do you have logs from the base recorded a bit later, at the same time as on the rover?

Hi Julia.

Thanks for pointing that out!

No, it appears that I did not enable logging on the rover when I collected the points for ppk processing.

Back to the drawing board.


Hey, have a try with this base.

It is a virtual base I generated using the surrounding CORS from the ERGNSS network. Should do the trick. The coordinates of the RINEX header are the correct one to use in ETRS89.

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Hi Florian and Julia.

Thanks for your help!

I’ve attached the result and it looks good. The resulting single and float values are to be expected as there was heavy vegetation in that area.

Florian, do you have any references on how to create the VRS station? This is one of the items on my ‘list of things to do’. :slight_smile:

Here’s the result:

Thanks once again!


Awesome ! I love green :laughing:

This is actually a commercial service that I propose in Europe and USA. Feel free to DM me to go more into details!

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Yay! Just a side note: You can also try to play a bit with the processing settings in Emlid Studio. For example, choose the Combined filter type. It won’t change the data quality, of course, but it’ll make the algorithm go Forward and Backward through the data. It can help get a higher percentage of FIX in some cases.

If you want to learn more about it, feel free to take a look at the Assessing raw data and Tuning post-processing solution guides from our docs.


Hi Andrew,

Up to 98% FIXED positions may be got w/ TOPAZ PPK despite heavy vegetation:

GGA_topaz_1094.log (419.2 KB)
CSV_topaz_1094.log (779.8 KB)



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