No fix in real time, fix in postprocessing

Hi guys. I dont know, what i`m doing wrong. I have baseline about 1,5 meters, absolutely clear sky, big parking, base and rover at the cars roof, WiFi Access point, notebook and pixhawk all in one WiFi network. No Fix all time. And after 18:33 too.

What is 0.1s age of differential? Is it = (time now) - (time of recive last correction packet) or
=(time now) - (timestamp of last recived correction packet) ?

Were I can read about AR? I could find anything about this.


All fix points are after 18:33 - at this time I have started some experiments with RTK-settings tab: I have changed Fix-and-hold, elevation mask, SNR mask many times. Does it have effect on raw log files? How? It must have effect only on real time computing. Am I wrong? — Яндекс.Диск this is my logs. files with (1) - from base station.

I think, at Signal-to-noise ratio graph would be nice to have some marks on satelites, that are out of elevation mask and SNR mask. So we could see how much good stelites at real time.

And what I can do to have a realtime fix solution?

Se bold answer

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Would you share the base mode setting? Try to use glonass, qzss, and sbas and 5Hz. If your rover steady, try static.

When you are changing the settings you are reinitializing the RTK solution, while in post-processing you have a single uninterrupted file to work with. This is why you get different results.


I use only GPS. Other systems are adding only noize and wrong corrections for me. Everywhere I set 10 Hz because it would be a rover, so i need fast update.

Ok. But its strange, that all fix points are only during my experiments…

What is 0.1s age of differential? Is it = (time now) - (time of recive last correction packet) or
=(time now) - (timestamp of last recived correction packet) ?

and how can I become fix real time solution? Im trying for 4 weeks, and I have fix only for 1 minute and I dont undestand how it comes and how it lost.

Please try v2.2.1 .

Age of differential is (time now) - (timestamp of last received correction packet)

You can run base with 1 or 5 hz and rover with 10 hz!

Most people use 5 hz at base or 1 hz to reduce data.

After update to 2.2.1 I have stable FIX with the same settings! Thank you all, Im going to next step - Pixhawk integration.