Newwbie question

Hi Just wanting some advice on setting up my RS2+ as a base station at my home to send corrections to my Rs3 rover using emlid caster

1st: I first set the base on a mount for 12 hrs using single fix then used emlid studio to PPK with rinex files and base info

2nd: using this i have set the base using manual mode with the new co ordinates obatined via emlid studio thereafter set up emlid caster mountpoint

3rd: out on site the Rs3 was connected via emlid caster and showing receiving corrections but waiting for fix so i have changed from fix only to single solution to save points

So the questions i am asking are

1: is this correct procedure to set up base and use emlid caster? or have i missed anything?

2: is it correct to have the base set to single when over a known point with corrections set to off?

3: should i be able to get a fix other than on single solution? with the rover as it was staying on waiting until i turned it off

any advice welcome thankyou

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Hey John.
Welcome to the community.
Can you state your use/purpose for the GPS measurements?
I note that you have not taken steps to tie your base mount coordinates to any Local Datum - this means the coordinates of your base station and subsequently your measurements taken by the rover (RS3) will be grounded to an autonomous point. This will help answer question #2 and a part of Question #1.
After that, the other parts of your procedure can be explored.


Hi thanks for the reply

Sorry I’m Not to sure of what you are saying in regards to “tie the base to local co-ordinates”? Currently Base an rover are set to record points using WGS 84 30n and local OSGB 1936 +ODN height

Mostly looking to set out GCP for drone mapping but will be looking to do more setting out as and when I improve my knowledge

Hope that helps


Hi John

I’m assuming you used data from OSNet to run the PPK static processing for the initial base logging session in emlid studio?

From there it sounds like you were on the right track, inputting manual coordinates as per the PPK result.

For the caster setup I’ve found it usually works very smoothly, however something isn’t in your case. It might sound dumb but does your base have Internet connection running constantly? If you are running both base and rover on your phone hotspot then it may have no data connection so isn’t sending corrections out when you are connected to the rover. Same for rover, make sure it has good connection. If both have solid wifi/ data then I would have a look in caster. If you login to caster when both are running and should be sending and receiving corrections then the caster mount point will show the base as active and the rover as active in the lower section of the page. Does that look familiar for you? It will say how many devices are online. Another point to note is sometimes the rover mount point needs to have the full web address for the site ( and IP address). It happened for me a while ago where I had to just add the full address again and the rtk fix popped in straight away. Also a quick disable of the mount point, log out and log back in to enable might fix it.

If you are still having issues, try taking screen grabs and posting them as that will allow a better idea of what you are seeing.



How far is your project site from the base station?
It might be good to try get a Fix connection at the base site so you can troubleshoot matters.
Ideally, you want to be getting a Fixed (Survey-grade corrected) solution from your Rover.


Hi @jcmacenzie

Welcome to the forum!

Let’s go through the setup together. Based on the PPK output, the manual base setup sounds right. For Static Processing on Emlid Studio, you can directly use the raw recorded logs of the base unit without setting up your base settings, though. However, your workflow allowed you to obtain an accurate position of a single point. After you enter the obtained coordinates to Emlid Flow manually, you connect the base(RS2+) to a mount point on Emlid Cater. So far, so good. You will see the ONLINE notification next to the mount point name. After, set up your rover (RS3) to get corrections over NTRIP using the credentials you obtained for the rover. Just ensure that both the base and rover are connected to the mount point, and you are all set for the survey.

We can double-check a few things, but let me answer your questions:

1: is this correct procedure to set up base and use emlid caster? or have i missed anything?

The base setup is correct. Emlid Cater automatically generates mount points to pass corrections between your rover and base, and you can connect your base to a mount point.

2: is it correct to have the base set to single when over a known point with corrections set to off?

Yes, correct. Since this base is set up over a known point and doesn’t receive any corrections, then the solution will stay in Single mode.

3: should i be able to get a fix other than on single solution? with the rover as it was staying on waiting until i turned it off

If the rover is receiving corrections, it means it is well connected to receive at least Fix solution. Can you share the screenshot of Status tab from the rover so I can take a closer look?

Apologies for the delay with my reply

When I last tried I managed to get a fix so I am assuming it may have been a week phone signal that was causing the problem

Thanks for helping

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