New project help

Hello Guys,

I am intending to develop a project using NAVIO2 and RPI3 and need help for guidance and support or ideas for this task.

The features of this project are as follows:

  • (1) Avoidance system using 4 HC-SR04 sensors (front, back and sides).
  • (2) Avoidance system through the use of RPI3 cameras, in the case of two cameras.
  • (3) Ground Station where it is possible to monitor the collision sensor data.
  • (4) During the flight it is possible to stop the copter and set up an action through the ground station and Gimbal make this task, like a mechanical arm.

My questions in this case are as follows:

  • Only one NAVIO2 + RPI3 has enough ports to perform these tasks?
  • Is it necessary to add another RPI3 or Arduino?
  • What about the possibility of using two cameras at the same time the ports of the RPI + 3 + NAVIO2 are sufficient and this is possible?
  • On the development language for this solution what would be the best?
  • Is it possible to use another type of development interface for Navio2 as used in RPI3 where it is possible to program without using the command terminal?
  • Regarding ground station what kind of solution can I use or what language can I develop?
  • Is it possible besides the stabilization of Gimbal to execute specific actions that are sent by the ground station?

Thanks if anyone can help me.

