Navio2 support for RPi Kernel 5.10

I am requesting that Emlid please support RPI desktop kernel 5.10 on Navio2 since per today’s Press Release:
“The Raspberry Pi Foundation released today a new version of their Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) distribution for the tiny Raspberry Pi computers, finally upgrading the kernel to Linux 5.10 LTS, which brings numerous new features and improvements”. Linux kernel 5.10.17 is included in the new Raspberry Pi OS release,

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your request and sorry for the delay!

I’ll check this information for you and will be back with the news.

Please continue supporting Navio2. It is a fabulous product that deserves continued LINUX support. If you support KERNEL 5.10, and gstreamer 1.18, the Auvidea board B101 works fine with GoPro HDMI. The only alternative is to switch to Pixhawk flight controller. I prefer Emlid.

Hi Rob,

We’ve just updated the current image with a new kernel of version 5.10.11. To get an update, you need to run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade command.

Thanks for your feedback! We don’t have plans on ceasing the software updates on Navio2.

Regarding GStreamer, you can manually update it to v1.18. Please check the instructions shared by one of our users in this thread.

Edited: changed the command for packages update.

I had to allow root to do the upgrade, had an error with dkms but dkms upgrade was fine at second try.

Raspberry 4, usb is fine, arducopter 4.0.7 running (custom install).


Thank you Liudmila and all at Emlid. Navio2 will live on - this will be much appreciated I am sure by the community.


Hi Marc,

Thanks for this note!

That’s right. Those commands should be run with sudo.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Navio+ isn’t recognized

The instruction do not work to install Gstreamer 1.18.

Go to opensuse link for instruction

Hi @bobbyl8133,

I can barely point out why the issue with the installation appears as we haven’t tested this ourselves. I believe the instructions from the official documentation might be of help.


after apt update and apt upgrade I can’t anymore control my motors. Only feedback I get are the sounds and beeps. Before, on kernel 4.xx, it was working. The output from sudo emlidtool info shows:

Vendor: Emlid Limited
Product: Navio 2
Issue: Emlid 2020-09-22 716f472abba15f9ec2b6fc51f498538e3c041d42
Kernel: 5.10.11-emlid-v7l+
RCIO firmware: 0xb9064332

To cross check I created a second SD card with the original Emlid Raspi Image (kernel 4.xx) and it still works on the same Raspi 4B + Navio2 board.

Any idea what could have gone wrong after the upgrade? rcio_core and rcio_spi are loaded w/o issues (at least according to dmesg output).

Thanks for your help!

Hi @kolde,

We indeed had some issues with ESCs. However, we’ve deployed a new kernel. So, it should be fixed now.

Please run the sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade for the update.

Hi @svetlana.nikolenko,

after re-run apt update && upgrade it works.
