Navio2 SITL


I am trying to run the Navio2 image on a raspberry pi virtual machine using QEMU. This will allow me to utilise Software in the Loop Simulation (SITL) to do the testing, and replicate the Navio2 environment.

I have successfully used QEMU to run the latest Raspbian image (JESSIE), but the image provided by EMLI does not run on QEMU, I suspect this is due to the kernel file. Has anyone been able to use QEMU with the EMLID image provided for the raspberry pi? Alternatively how do I get the Kernal that is used for the EMLID image? or know the changes between the EMLID & Raspbian image?

Thanks very much

This is the kernel branch in use.

Why not run SITL natively on a Linux machine? There’s nothing Raspberry Pi specific in SITL build of ArduPilot.