Navio2 - RPI3 - (Arducopter - Tower)Sensor issues


I have been playing with the above setup since a couple of days, and altough for a very short time moving around the pi/navio2 sended the correct telemetry data to the android Tower setup I am using, suddenly it does not work anymore…
wifi network connection is ok, tower app is connecting properly (I even have the video streaming working) but I do not receive any sensor data as it seems… I cannot calibrate or arm,
Starting Arducopter manually gives as only message: “Raspberry Pi 2 with BCM2709!” which is strange as this is a Pi3. Some googling on this gives me the impression that this is not "abnormal"
As I did a apt-get update/upgrade dist-upgrade and I read in a couple of topics that this could cause problemens with I2C, etc I started from a fresh navio image but I still have the same issue. Any idea on how I can check what is the problem? How can I check that all the GPIO/I2C/etc stuff is working properly? The behaviour that I have, seems to be related to the interface to the sensors in one way or the other…

Thanks in advance,

well, it seems that I will answer my first topic myself… ;o)

I had setup both wlan0 and eth0, wlan0 being a AP for the ground station and eth0 to use for ssh, connection to the internet, etc… It seems that when you boot the rpi (with or without) an ethernet cable, but eth0 configured it is not working… you get a connection but part of your (return) packages seem to be send to the wrong interface… as soon as you disable eth0 and restart your networking, everything works perfectly… Some googling gives a lot of issues on this topic of dual network interfaces on a RPI…