Navio2 GPS Troubleshooting

Hi All, just wondering if somebody can help shed some light on how I can get the GPS to work.

I have tried external antenna as well.

I just built the quad tonight and cant get a fix in apm planner or tower.

What is the correct syntax to launch with external antenna? (please update doc with example)
sudo ArduCopter-quad -A udp: -B
sudo ArduCopter-quad -B udp:

If I try:
pi@navio:~/Navio/Python/GPS $ sudo ArduCopter-quad -B udp:
Raspberry Pi 2 with BCM2709!

Init APM:Copter V3.4-dev (e36ead50)

Free RAM: 262144
FW Ver: 120
load_all took 259us
/sys/kernel/rcio/adc/ch255 not opened: No such file or directory0 0 0 ?    Q}?HMC5843: Could not detect version
?3?Calibrating barometerƥ?    Quz?3?barometer calibration completeеInit Gyro?    Qt***

Ready to FLY ?    Q?
?    Q̉?    Q&??   Q?h?        Q(?    
Q???    Q?f?    QE??    QvQ?    Q?/?    Q???3?PreArm: Need 3D FixPreArm: EKF compass variance???

I have compiled SPIDEV python module, when I run example:

pi@navio:~/Navio/Python/GPS $ sudo python
Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 0
gps Fix status: no fix

Error! Checksum doesn't match
Error! Checksum doesn't match
Error! Checksum doesn't match
Error! Checksum doesn't match
Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 0
gps Fix status: no fix

Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 0
gps Fix status: no fix

Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 0
gps Fix status: no fix

Error! Checksum doesn't match
Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 0
gps Fix status: no fix

Error! Checksum doesn't match
Error! Checksum doesn't match

If I make and run C++ example:

pi@navio:~/Navio/C++/Examples/GPS $ sudo ./gps
Ublox test OK
Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 0
gps Fix status: no fix

GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 2624 s
Longitude: 0.000000
Latitude: 0.000000
Height above Ellipsoid: 0.000 m
Height above mean sea level: -17.000 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 4294967.295 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 3802755.840 m
GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 2625 s
Longitude: 0.000000
Latitude: 0.000000
Height above Ellipsoid: 0.000 m
Height above mean sea level: -17.000 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 4294967.295 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 3802768.384 m
GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 2625 s
Longitude: 0.000000
Latitude: 0.000000
Height above Ellipsoid: 0.000 m
Height above mean sea level: -17.000 m

Repeat forever...

Any ideas on what to try next? I use osx and dont have access to windows easily so cant use the u-connect as mentioned elsewhere.
Many thanks Jimmy.


do you mean external antenna or external GPS receiver?
The antenna for the Navios onboard GPS is always external and does not need any special start option.
For an external GPS connected to UART or USB to UART, you can use the -B option to only use the external GPS or the -E option for a dual GPS config.
Using an IP address with either -B or -E option does not work, as far as I know. Perhaps you could inject GPS data from an GPS simulator this way.
For an UART GPS it should look like this:

-B /dev/ttyUSBx

for a GPS connected to an USB to UART adapter.


-B /dev/ttyAMA0

for a GPS connected to the RPis UART

Hi Sebastian, yes just an external antenna! So no switch needed.

Hi Jimmy,
Where do you have your drone and antenna located? To get a fix you need to locate it under the open sky, indoors won’t work.

Thanks guys, I don’t know what was going on, but it all appears now to be working. I had left the drone for many minutes under a clear sky without any signs of life, but was almost certainly operator error :wink: Yet to fly it though!