Mutilple issues with Reach m+ connectivity

We have 10 Reach M+ modules in the field with different types of connectivity problems. All but one are connected with tp-link ethernet module to the lan. With these ethernet-connected modules, we experience two kind of behaviour:
1st - modules disconnect randomly. Mostly 1-2 times a day and they do not recover without boot.
2nd - one of the modules does not disconnect. But it´s TCP server for position output tilts about once per day, and it doesn´t recover without a boot. The web UI is accessible in these situations.

(3rd - I tried to replace the ethernet with wifi (case 1) since it is possible in one location and the outcome is that the wifi disconnects every now and then (1-2 times a day) and when I connect to hotspot, it shows that the memorized network is not available. Even though the AP is two meters away. Manually I can connect again)

Reachview in first cases is 2.18.1 and in second case 2.16.2.

None of the 10 modules works without disconnecting occasionally, around once per day. This is very difficult, since the modules are located in such a places, that I am not able to physically get to them. I have set up remote connections to the web UIs.

Is there a known stable way to connect Reach m+ via ethernet-cable to the lan?


Hi Pekka,

Do you mean that the connection with ReachView app is lost when it happens? What’s the LED status at the moment?

Could you PM me the Full System report from the devices so that we can look at what happens?

I’d also recommend updating the devices to the latest stable v2.22.4 firmware update.