We are currently mapping a sewer system and have collected points (manholes) and are now trying to add lines between the points. The problem im having is where there is multiple lines coming into one point it won’t allow me to connect multiple lines to a point.
How do i get multiple lines to join at one point?
Hi @cwldp,
Welcome to the community!
Connecting different lines in one collected point is not possible for now, but I understand how it would come in handy. Thank you for bringing it up! I’ve noted your request and will register it.
Maybe try creating / duplicating manual points with the same central manhole coords to connect line segment to?
You guys always just note our request, or rather what would be mandatory in a surveying software! I already regret not researching the software more before purchasing EMLID reach RS3.
This would typically be done in office GIS/CAD/survey software. I would look into QGIS, ArcGIS pro, or Trimble Business Center.
Hi @zoltan.gasparik,
We’re continuously developing updates and features to improve our products as much as possible. While we monitor every single feature request, their implementation depends on priorities and resources.
But after releasing a feature, we always make sure to let everyone know about it so that you can start using it as soon as possible.