Mpu9250 's pitch yaw roll

hi I will have machine learning drone project so I need 360 degree pitch yaw roll ,
how can I get mpu9250’s 360 deg pitch yaw roll

I try manny code but I can’t get pitch yaw rol

I use complement filter

pitch_v = 0
        m9a, m9g, m9m = acc.imu.getMotion9()
	hee = acc.imu.read_gyro()
	acc_v = math.atan2(m9a[0], m9a[2]) * 180 / math.pi
        #pitch_v = (pitch_v + 360) % 360
	#gy_x = m9g[0]
	gy_y = m9g[1]
	dgy_x = gy_y * 180 /math.pi
	pitch_v = (0.95 * (pitch_v + (dgy_x * 0.01))) + (0.05 * acc_v)
	return pitch_v

how can I get pitch yaw roll. ??

second question~

 for i in range(0, 3):
        data = self.byte_to_float(response[i*2:i*2+2])
        self.gyroscope_data[i] = (self.PI/180)*data/self.gyro_divide

self.gyroscope_data[I] is radian data ??? or deg data?? or raw data?

plz help me

My machine is NAVIO2 and Rpi3