Could you double-check that the receiver is on the latest firmware version (31.3)? To see that, please tap on Settings→Firmware updates. We’ve released some fixes to solve similar difficulties in the latest updates.
As an aside, we were using a Sony alpha 7RIII with RAW format (which for Sony is .ARW) and were not able to load the file into Emlid Studio.
Emlid Studio currently only geotags images in JPEG format, but I’ll note ARW format support as a feature request.
and in the compressed file only RTCM3, which by the way did not record anything, and lost important information, associated a past date with all UBX and LLH files.
@frshammer Yes, that’s correct. The TIFF format support is one of our most popular feature requests for Emlid Studio, and I will add you to the list as a +1.
@m.rocha Our dev team found the bug and released the fix on the 31.6 firmware.
Could you please update your Reach M2 and check if you see the correct log data now? I’ll wait for your feedback.