MinimOSD with navio

Good day team

I want to use a minimOSD on my project so I would like to know if somebody has implemented succesfully minimOSD with Navio+ ?

From my testbed used I connect the minimOSD UART port directly with UART Navio+ Port but I just only see on the screen MAVlink is waiting for Heartbeat :joy:

I will apreciate your answers and support


You need to use the β€œ-C /dev/ttyAMA0” option so that the baud rate is 57600 which I believe the MinimOSD expects by default.


When using UART for telemetry please note that default baud rates are: 115200 for primary (-A) 57600 for secondary (-C) 3DR Radios are configured for 57600 by default, so te simplest way to connect over them is to run with -C option. If you would like to transfer telemetry over the UART port on Navio you can specify it like this:

sudo ArduCopter-quad -C /dev/ttyAMA0

It then goes on to say:

UDP and serial telemetry can be used simultaneously like this:

sudo ArduCopter-quad -A udp: -C /dev/ttyAMA0

Which makes me wonder if TCP telemetry (ground station control) and serial OSD would work. That’s something to test, but at least UDP+Serial will work.

p.s. looks like you could override it and run it at 115200 on -A by editing the OSD code as suggested here: MinimOSD baud rate - Discussions - diydrones. Also we see someone wants to run it slower to get a more reliable connection. I never had that problem, surely faster should be better and 115200 is not really quick for a direct local cable connection. I guess he had a wiring issue and you will be able to do that if you want.

Hi Tony

It works :+1: … after testting session two ports for telemetry are working now with the command sudo ArduCopter-quad -A /dev/ttyUSB0 -C /dev/ttyAMA0 &
One 3DR radio is connected to USB port and the other one to the UART port on Navio + card.
Thanks again

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