Hi all,
I have a static measurement of a point with a RS2. The point height is 20.51
I post-processed with RTKlib QT using “static” and “solution for static mode: All”.
With a “Min ratio to fix ambiguity” value of 3 for I get some Fixed values that have an error of about 20cm:
With a “Min ratio to fix ambiguity” value of 4.5 for I get ALL values between 20.48 and 20.51, very good result:
From this I can say that using Min ratio of 3, I get some false fixes and using a value of 4.5 I do not get any false fixes.
in this case I knew the real value of the height and I can tell when there is a false fix, but for example in a UAV kinematic log, I don’t know the real values so I can’t realize if there is a false fix.
How can I interpret that? Is it better to use 4.5 Ratio for all cases? Can someone explain a bit more about Min Ratio? I read the RTKlib manual but still is not clear to me, besides that you should never use less than 3.