Measurements of GCPs using two reach RS+ and NTRIP corrections (UK)

Hi everyone,

I am based in the UK and am using a drone for surveying. I have a DJI Matrice 200 along with two Reach RS+ (rover and base). I also have a subscription to an NTRIP correction service (GNSS Spider Software).

The base is secured to a surveyors tripod whereas the rover is secured to a telescopic pole (SCCS Telescopic GNSS Pole).

I am looking to create accurate measurements of ground control points around a large quarry. I want both relative and global accuracy to the highest degree possible.

I want to use RTK processing to create an accurate identification of the location of the GCPs. I am confused as to what the best strategy is when I have two Reach RS+ and an NTRIP correction in addition. I am not in the position to position my base station at a known point.

I have looked at all the forums post on this subject and are still confused, please could someone help!

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If you want RTK, and you have access to NTRIP, then I would suggest:

Place it up high with very good skyview, and preferably with line of sight to your rover-position. Establish your base-position once you have a fix solution with a 5 min average. Start up the Base mode in Reachview and enable LoRa.

Connect to your base LoRa stream, and go do the work :smiley:

This approach gives you all the benefits of having your own base available: short baseline, more sat systems than NTRIP services usually provide, ability to post process with a short base line, if that should be a thing you want to do.

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This is the PERFECT question for the setup of a GREAT tutorial and/or video!

Possibly with NTRIP and without NTRIP (just BASE & ROVER via LoRa or TCP, WiFi etc).

; )

Thanks for this reply, very helpful! :grinning:

To clarify the initial Base setup, what would be the procedure?

I am unsure if you are suggesting to initially connect the base to NTRIP, if so how would this be done?

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Hi @alexhopp,

I can recommend you to watch this video tutorial about base and rover setup.

As for the placing the base, you can find it in our docs here.

If you want to use NTRIP, you need to provide Reach with the Internet connection by using your phone or external 3g/4g dongle. After that, you need to turn on NTRIP Correction Input on your base to start getting corrections.

Also, you can use only 2 Reach RS+, that’s the most popular user workflow for placing GCPs.

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