Manually created point in flow not showing in map area

I’ve found what I think is a bug in the flow app and flow 360.

I was supplied a single point, easting and nothing in OSGB36 (ETRS89) which I entered into the app using the new point function. The point entered fine but will not show on the map. The error says this is due to the point having local coordinates only.

If I import a csv with only local coordinates there is a conversion from grid to geographical coordinates, but single entry points seem to not work at all. The other lines and points were from a csv and show up fine, with lines and polygons created from them.

This is not the case for an itrf / wgs84 UTM CRS. In another project UTM 30N WGS84 the manual point displays fine. Is there something to do with the CRS transformation in the guts of the app which is not working? The transformation to OSGB or local plane systems or a custom CRS might be the issue.

It’s not the end of the world but being handed a single set of coordinates when on the job site is quite common. I haven’t tried to see if that point will work if I try to stake it. This particular flow project is boundary lines of my house and the single point is details a neighbour has supplied in planning applications so I was being nosy to see where they were planning things.

I could be missing something simple but it’s strange that the points are not having their geographic transformation applied.

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Additional info. I’m on version 11.9 on Android.

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Yeah, something screwy with it. Try duplicating and editing a point and see what kind of non-sense that introduces. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: (V11.9 Android) Another reason I use FieldGenius and not WIP Flow.


Yeah. Odd. I’ll do some more digging and report back. It may work by exporting and then reimporting to the project as a csv. With a complex work around of exports and imports it’s like using leicas!!!

I’ve never got round to using field genius. Never had to do much more than what flow offers when using emlids and the workflows we have. it’s on the list while the winter weather is in to see how it goes for the main tasks.

Interesting bug you found Scott, entering a point manually works without any problem in EmlidFlow on iOS & gives the point local and global values. But, I can replicate your problem in Flow360.


Try duplicating and editing a point in Flow app and check that out. (V11.9 Android)

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Hi @scottmitchell63,

After looking into the case you reported, it’s ended be not a bug but how the app handles local coordinates.

When you manually enter a point with local coordinates, the app tries to convert them to global coordinates. If there’s a mismatch in the coordinate system, the conversion can fail, and the point won’t show on the map.

In your case, the point seemed to end up in the Netherlands, which is outside the valid range for OSGB transformations that you’re using. That’s why it couldn’t be converted. I switched the order of coordinates and the point appeared in Scotland, seeming to be working.

Hi victor.

Yes thanks for that, I’ve just gone back to it and the supplied coordinates posted by the architect are back to front. I should have noticed it but it was a check while having a coffee reading the post.

Even so, if it is out of range would the app not flag that and say it is out of range? Or create the point and you would see straight away there was an issue.

Currently, the app doesn’t flag if coordinates are out of range or look unusual, but I totally get how useful that would be. I’ll pass your suggestion on to the development team so they can consider adding in the future.


Thanks Victor.

My schoolboy error blunder aside. The error message given doesn’t reflect the real error behind things, so a change in wording would be beneficial.