Manual control with Qgroundcontrol

Big trouble.
We are in the progress of flying our GoDiscover with Navio+ over UDP, but there’s a big obstacle right now.
We use Qgroundcontrol as at ground station, because it runs on Linux and it’s fairly good software.
However, we cannot use joystick for anything, apparently because there’s no support for MAVlink MANUAL_CONTROL in ArduPlane. Is there some workaround? We can’t use Mission Planner anymore, because we want to connect via our homebreed relay server, which by now works very well. But we cant initiate outwards udp connections from Mission Planner. And also, Gstreamer on Windows sucks big time (crashing on almost periodically).

Please help!

Hi, Vootele!
I think this option is not supported in ArduPlane, but ArduCopter already has this feature. Hence it will be expanded to other vehicles soon.
Also could you please answer a few more questions? Which version of ArduPlane and QGC do you use? What joystick do you use?
Do you have a joystick icon in Vehilce setup tab?

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