M2 stopped working

Hello, my m2 also stopped working when I updated to the most recent version, can you help me solve the problem?


Hi @ic.raulvictorio,

Do I understand correctly that you can connect to the receiver, but it doesn’t see satellites while having a clear sky view?

To investigate the situation, please generate a full system report of your Reach M2 and send it to me. As it may contain confidential information, feel free to email it to support@emlid.com. Thanks!

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I received your email and answered you there. Let’s continue the communication via email to keep everything in one place. Thanks!

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Has this been resolved?
I am hesitant to upgrade firmware on my M2s


Hi Adrian,

I’m still investigating this case with Raul.

We thoroughly test all of our firmware before the release, and after the reports, I tested it once more but couldn’t reproduce the issue. Also, other users have updated their M2 without any errors. Since we don’t see a common reason for such behavior, it doesn’t look like a software update is the root cause.


Okay. But will there be any advantage to upgrading the M2?
The advantages seem to be angled mostly towards the RS3



In the 32 version, in addition to changes to the tilt algorithm (which, yes, angled towards RS3), we have improved Wi-Fi connection stability and fixed some cases with logging issues. These updates are for all Reach receivers (excluding RS and Reach module).


Thank you for clearing that up Olesia

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