Hi to all,
I have M2 module and has it power issue , if i plug it into a power bank the M2 module has no power but the lora attached in S2 socket have powered
Hi @franzanne27,
Could you describe how the LEDs behave when you try to power your Reach M2? Could you try with another power source and USB cable? Also, when did the receiver start to behave that way? Did anything specific happen before?
Hi Zoltan,
Theres no light of power led indicator in M2, but the Lora attched in socket 2 ( S2) has a green led light,
I bought it just a week i am using it for 5 day ang run smoothly tge last activity of M2rover is after 2hrs the unit is shutdown, i try to power again the m2 ( im using powerbank) i plug it and unplug the usb cable there is no led power in m2, but in lora the power led is turning on , each time i plug the usb cable
Got it. It seems like the Reach M2 has some power to detect the LoRa antenna but not enough for proper functioning. Could you specify the power bank that you are currently using?
Also, have you had a chance to try it with another power bank and USB cable?
Hi Zoltan,
I been tested the defective module with any kind of cable and powerbank and nothing it works, i have two M2 set up one for base and the other for rover , i tested it all the cables and powerbank to the other working M2 module and it works fine
Hi @franzanne27,
Could you please send the serial number of this M2 to support@emlid.com? Let’s also continue the troubleshooting process over email since I need to ask you to share some sensitive data.
I received the info, thank you! Please check my reply in the direct email.