M+/LORA radio link randomly dropping out

Hey there,

Let me conclude this topic.

We’re getting this Reach M+ unit back. The device demonstrated unexpected behavior so we’d like to investigate the issue further in the office.

While working with Reach M+/M2 devices, it’s important to provide enough ventilation for them so that units don’t overheat. High working temperatures might complicate the working process.

If you ever experience the same issues with the LoRa radio, like the connection dropouts or long time for establishing a fix solution, please, provide us with the following info:

  • Full System Reports from both base and rover
  • raw data log, base correction log and position log from the rover
  • raw data log from the base

This information will help us check the configuration of the unit, solution status during the survey, the data received on the rover. Then we’ll be able to determine what might cause such issues.