M+/LORA radio link randomly dropping out

Hi Polina,

I have updated the firmware on both units and we haven’t experienced any of the radio dropping out problems that we have been since I improved the setup and removed the M+ housing.

But we have found a problem with V2.22.1. We now find it decisively harder to achieve a fix in any given location on our farms. Same environments, clear skies. We spend a lot of time (hours plus) in float, and it’s common for the fix to drop to float once achieved. It’s strange, in the status tab on the rover (RS+), the number of satellites from the base is very erratic. I.e. will go from 24 to 12 to 3 in the space of 5 seconds, and coincidentally drops the AR ratio significantly. When compared to the status on the base (M+), the number of satellites it actually sees is stable. Ie. will stick to 24, doesn’t jump around. I didn’t notice this before the update.

I’ve disabled MSM RTCM messages for now (we were using QZSS), and that has made it slightly better. So just using GPS, GlONASS, and ARP coordinates at 1, 1, and 0.1 Hz respectively. But still not very usable for our application.

Is there a way we can roll back to the previous update where this wasn’t an issue? Guessing you want some more raw data?