Lost Thrust - need help with which motor failed

I lost thrust after 10 minutes, I’m not sure which motor has an issue. How do find out what motor failed?

2021-09-07 18-28-20.bin (9.4 MB)

Hi @bobbyl8133,

Yes, I can see in the logs that there was thrust loss. You can check this in the parameters list via filtering by ERR code. See my screenshot below.

It seems to me that the issue happened with all the motors. You can see the plot from the RCOUT parameter on the screenshot.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that all of them were the source of the issue. I believe that it can be related to something else. For this log examination, I have used Downloading and Analyzing Data Logs in Mission Planner guide. Hope that it will be useful for you as well.

Have you tried to check this up with the users on the ArduPilot forum? They are very good at this since they always analyze these logs :slightly_smiling_face:. I’m sure they can help too.

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I’ve noticed there was a throttle low command given followed by a hover command. this in turn dropped the battery voltage to 21V. I suspect at that point your ESC may have switched off due to battery low state. Have you checked / adjusted your ESC’s to suit your type of battery?
Also found Motor 2 out was going at full throttle a few milliseconds before complete los of thurst. This indicates it was trying to make up for opposite site which may have already shut down at that point.
Other cause can be if motor wiring / ESC wiring as been extended you could have an issue with high resistance under high current flow. This would require larger cable and / or additional capacitors in order to cope with high current flow.
See this for more information:

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