If wire 4 of S2 is the one identified in this picture, I think that is your problem with it not being identified by the M2
Between the pinout above and If you go to the thread below and go to the 8th post up from the bottom (one above Elena’s reply) you will see why I think this.
Show was cancelled today due to a downpour! I did a little testing before I left. With everything powered separate and only the TX/RX lines connected the M2 didn’t recognize the radio. I connected GPIO_0 and it recognized but wouldn’t let the M2 change any settings. I connected GPIO_1 and the same. Connecting GPIO_2 let it change the settings so 0 and 2 are the RX/TX so to speak. I didn’t try disconnecting 1 with the other two connected. Next is disconnect power to the M2 and see if it st…
By the way, I have bought so many different cables with the connectors on them, I am not sure if I am using the Emlid Stock cable or one of them that I bought.