Loosing time Marks

I have a new problem I never had in the last year, i don’t remember if it began after upgrading firmware, I have v2.11.0.
In the last 6 surveys (700/1200 pictures) the number of the pictures is not the same as in the log, sometimes is ok, sometimes the log is missing, I see it creates more Rinex logs than number of flights/times I turn on the plane.
what should I check?
Thank you

Simple system report
app version: 2.11.0-r0
'wifi_status, interface: wlan0':
- Client state
- IP address:
  mac address: 90:b6:86:09:d5:cd
  ssid: RT
base mode:
  base coordinates:
    accumulation: '2'
    antenna offset:
      east: '0'
      north: '0'
      up: '0'
    - '0'
    - '0'
    - '0'
    format: llh
    mode: single-and-hold
    enabled: false
    format: rtcm3
    path: tcpsvr://:9000#rtcm3
    type: tcpsvr
  rtcm3 messages:
      enabled: true
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: true
      frequency: '0.1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: true
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
  discoverable: false
  enabled: false
  pin: '***'
  duty cycle: 20
  enable: false
  period: 2
  polarity: true
correction input:
    enabled: false
    format: rtcm3
    path: ttyMFD2:38400:8:n:1:off
    send position to base: 'off'
    type: serial
    enabled: false
    format: rtcm3
    path: :9028
    type: tcpsvr
    format: RINEX
    started: false
    version: '3.03'
    format: RINEX
    started: false
    version: '3.03'
  interval: 86400
  overwrite: true
    format: RINEX
    started: true
    version: '3.03'
    format: ERB
    started: false
    version: null
position output:
    enabled: false
    format: erb
    path: ttyMFD2:38400:8:n:1:off
    type: serial
    enabled: false
    format: llh
    path: :2013
    type: tcpsvr
    enabled: true
    format: llh
    path: :2014
    type: tcpsvr
    enabled: true
    format: llh
    path: :2015
    type: tcpsvr
rtk settings:
  elevation mask angle: '15'
  glonass ar mode: 'on'
  gps ar mode: fix-and-hold
  max horizontal acceleration: '1'
  max vertical acceleration: '1'
  positioning mode: kinematic
  positioning systems:
    compass: false
    galileo: false
    glonass: false
    gps: true
    qzs: true
    qzss: false
    sbas: true
  snr mask: '35'
  update rate: '10'

Hi @lanzo,

Thanks for the report! We’ll look into the issue.

Could you please currently use logging of raw data in UBX format? There are no problems with time marks for UBX logs.

1 Like

Dear Tatiana, I have downloaded and converted the UBX log and I get the same number of pictures

It seems that is missing the take off, I can only see the landing in this graphic
but even without strenght signal it must save timemarks as I test it inside the house and it works

first picture camera time / reach time: 11:06 / 14:07:35.285
latest picture camera time / reach time: 12:17 / 15:18:54.210

Last picture seems ok

First picture seems not ok

I have checked the APM LOG and it shows the correct number of pictures ( I use 2 cables from the camera, one goes to pixhawk and other goes to Reach)

This is the flight log from MP, you can see it shows the takeoff while the reach not, (I have waited for the reach to blink green before takeoff ) MissionPlanner_2018-09-04_10-30-17

Curious about this issue as well-

It was documented in 2017 that certain settings caused missing events (see here)

Has this been resolved with Reachview updates, or is that chart still the only reliable settings?

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I use GPS and SBAS @ 10hz, working well for a lot of time, but the problem here is the first part of the flight is missing, not just the time marks.
Today I have updated to 2.14.0-r0, build new adapter and double checked everything, tomorrow I will try again, I have a lot of succesful surveys with this plane, I think the only thing I have changed is the reach firmware.

Hi @lanzo,

Please try with standard configurations for time marks logging in our docs.

Let us know about the flight result.

Are there plans to provide more standard configurations in the future, or is this hardware limited?

Hi @b_airben,

These configurations were provided depending on the transmitted data size and the update frequency. If you specify Reach in another way, there is a big chance you’ll lose some time marks.

Thanks, I take that to read ‘hardware limited’.

In other words, at no time in the future will I be able to use GPS+GLONASS+GALILEO at 5 Hz (for example) with time marks, regardless of Reachview improvements?

In the meantime, it’s hardware limited.

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