LandXML for points/lines

Hi. Was very happy to see that surface support came recently and even more when i saw it was importable through landXML.

Since you now have surface as landXML i hope there is a small and easy thing for you to also be able to read point/lines as well ? LandXML is widely used here in my region!

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Hi, @geoprovestemlid1 Glad to hear that you are happy with the Surface feature!

Currently, we don’t have this feature, but we value your feedback, and I will add yours as +1 for this feature request.

Could you share more about your workflow and region? This will help me understand this request better and pass the information on to the team.

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Add me as a +2. Florida DOT provides alignment files (stationing) in LandXML. Would be nice if we could load that into Emlid Flow to be able to add Station/Offset to our measurements. As it is, I can only do this with third party software such as X-PAD with the road module.


Following up on this, I converted the dgn alignments to dxf and imported to Flow 360, however it does not come in in a useable format. The points are numbered randomly and only straight lines came in, none of the curves are present. I don’t know how I could use this for station/offset.

Hi Scott,

Sorry for the silence here.

I will also add yours as +1 for surface landXML points and lines.

We currently support points and lines for the DXF format, but I will also note for your feedback to include arches and curves.

If you don’t need the arches and curves, additional preparation on the CAD software side can fix this. You can remove or hide layers with additional geometry (arcs and curves) so they won’t show up as multiple bunches of short lines and segments.

For this one, the codes and geometry could be on separate layers. You can adjust and merge them into a single layer before importing it.

Could you share the landXML points and lines and the DXF file? If you want to share it privately, you can send it to and mention this thread.

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