Newbie here. I’m wanting to purchase 2 RS3 receivers, but am curious if they support L5 signals? Does anyone know if these units currently support L5 or if Emlid has plans to integrate L5 into the RS5 units in the future?
Newbie here. I’m wanting to purchase 2 RS3 receivers, but am curious if they support L5 signals? Does anyone know if these units currently support L5 or if Emlid has plans to integrate L5 into the RS5 units in the future?
No, L1 & L2 only.
RS3 just came out, so would assume gonna be awhile if Emlid’s future plans would include L5 L6 etc. Which personally I wish they would have already by now. There are other much more expensive receivers that do which perform much better in harder to FIX conditions.
Seems to me the next model would go this route along with TILT. They may milk it with a RS3+ model before doing so. I.e. RS4?
Yes, it seems like the GPS satellites are getting L5 support more and more now. L5 has been around for a couple of years already hasn’t it?
I’m needing a receiver capable of taking points under tree canopies. I’m reading that L1, L2 capable receivers just don’t cut it in comparison to L5 capable receivers. Any comments?
Hi Michael,
Welcome to our forum!
I can second @timd1971’s words: Reach RS3 doesn’t track the GPS L5 band. Its support can’t be delivered via firmware updates because it’s related to the hardware limitation.
Indeed, but only 18 of 24 GPS satellites broadcast L5 so far. Reach RS3 is a multi-band receiver that works in challenging conditions, but dense tree canopies will cause challenges with getting the FIX solution. It applies to any multi-band receiver.
I’d note there’s no guarantee that the receiver capable of tracking L5 will be a remedy for this because many other factors are behind the scenes. Among them are current satellite geometry and multipath, ionospheric disturbances, RTK engine performance, and so on.
Many thanks for clarifying things for me. I’m guessing from a sales perspective you’re not willing to say if Emlid has plans to support L5 signaling in future products…
@kirill.pavlyuchuk , The RS2/RS2+ says L1/L2/L5 on the side, does that mean L5 is ignored from a software perspective?
I think that has to be chocked up to a marketing-lingo thing. And, if I remember correctly, it is something that has been hashed over quite a few times in the past.
I think the essence if it is that the GNSS chip supports the E5b signal, so it is triple-band.
(a term which may sit better with you)
On one hand, that is a L5 (third-band) type of frequency, but on the other hand, it is not strictly the L5 band by definition.
I’m sure you get that saying “E5b” just doesn’t have the same ring, especially when the lingo had been L1/L2 for so long and L5 is coming into play (we’re talking about several years ago).
They generally do not for good reason.
But its assumed that would be the direction as there isn’t much else left. Eventually it will all be COMPLETELY scaled down to your phone, watch etc.
If you want what your requesting, you will have to pay MUCH MORE…
i.e. Hemisphere products. https://bench-mark.ca/
There are many other options, but the cost is very high.
Hi Joel,
I agree with @ceith: L5 on the side indicates exactly the E5b signal.
I guess… did not know it was a chinese receiver… there are many. You’ll have a lot of researching to do.
Benchmark pushes the Hemisphere.
Its false advertising putting L5 on the devices. Across the survey industry L5 is very specific. But when you ask Emlid they say “oh no, not that L5, this L5, which is actually called E5b…”
Unfortunately I agree. That has been very misleading and confusing. Which is probably why the RS3 doesn’t have it printed on the unit. Would assume they will resurrect that in hopefully a newer model… hopefully sooner as i feel it should already have been here already.
Don’t get me wrong, strong supporter of Emlid, but there are a couple things that probably shouldn’t have been advertised.
Bench-mark is a “Chinese” company only in the sense that other companies are. Many of their parts are manufactured in China (ie. same as Hexagon, Trimble, etc.), but their head office and design firm is in North America. Their office is in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. David, Nolan, and Rene are all available if you ask for them by name. They have been doing this for a while:
They were recently acquired by CNH International, it is believed, to compete better against John Deere and their GNSS equipment:
Their products are often repackaged by other companies:
Hexagon (ie. Leica’s parent company) also has their Novatel (ie. autonomous and GNSS positioning) located in Calgary.
NovAtel Inc.
Hexagon Calgary Campus
10921 14th Street NE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T3K 2L5
That being said, the actual “Chinese” products are also pretty good and have been shown to perform in tough environments:
The firms that offer a comprehensive package at a fair price will be the ones, IMO, that excel going forward in this highly competitive field. Emlid has shown they are up to the task with everything to date that they have released.