JST-GH 7p-7p


I’m currently working with a Reach RS2 base and a rover kit.
The base is serving as a stable gps to provide RTK correction to the rover using LoRa.
Problem is: the 7p-7p cable connector (this one) broke. I’m trying to buy another one, but it seems really difficult to get the correct connector/cable model. Is there a safe and relatively cheap way to buy a new one?

thanks in advance.


Thanks for the response. I searched in the emlid store but i managed to find only the 6p-6p cable, not the 7p-7p required to connect the lora receiver the rover. Am i missing something?

My fault, you’re using the s2 port for LORA ? I’m understanding that the cable they have would work ? I don’t know. I’d contact Emlids directly they will help you. My M2 s2 does indeed have 7 pins. There’s a danger supplying power to both the USB and s1 ports.

I don’t have mine with me right now but contact them via email, they are very responsive.

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yeah, i’m referring to this image

the cable broke, and i don’t know if there are other methods to connect the lora receiver to the rover

I pm @inkar.madikyzy with Emlids. You should see a response soon

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thank you

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Hi @enricocovili,

Welcome to the forum!

Some spare parts, like cables, are usually easier to purchase from local stores. That’s why we don’t provide them in our store.

Here are the specs:

  • For the cable, we use a 1.25 mm pitch JST-GH 7pin connector.
  • M2 S2 port is SM07B-GHS-TB, and its corresponding connector is GHR-07V-S.

Thank you for kind response.

This were all the information i needed.

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I think I found some at eBay, 6 cables for $15

Here’s some at Amazon
