Issues: Building and running APM (ArduPilot)


I have one of you Navio board and yesterday compiled the ArduPlane on the raspberry pi itself using your instructions. However when I try to run it I get the following error message

pi@anra-raspi ~/ardupilot/ArduPlane $ sudo ./ArduPlane.elf -A udp:
sh: 1: pigpiod: not found
sh: 1: pigs: not found
No pigpio interface for RCInput

What is going on here?



Hello Amit,
Please use the SD card image with Raspbian with real-time kernel -

Thanks Mikhail

I got it working fine and when I connect using APM Planner I can get the telemetry data but mission planner does not work. Any suggestions on how to fix that

What type of connection are you using for the telemetry? Is that UDP?

Yes I am using UDP

Do you have the latest version of Mission Planner? Have you tried TCP?

Yes I have the latest mission planner. ArduPlane fails to start on raspi using tcp. It only starts using udp so I haven’t been able to test using tcp

Hi Igor

Any ideas in what is going on. Further to my previous response. Yes I have the latest mission planner. ArduPlane fails to start on raspi using tcp. It only starts using udp so I haven’t been able to test using tcp

How can I get it to run on tcp?

Misson Planner is known to have issues with UDP\TCP connections, in the latest version it should’ve been fixed, but sometimes the issue arises again.
Could you please provide a command you use to run APM with TCP?

Here is the command

sudo ./ArduPlane.elf -A tcp:

I just tried to connect to Mission Planner over UDP and it worked without a problem.
Mission Planner was downloaded from here -

I selected UDP as a connection type, clicked “Connect”, entered the “Port” and pressed “OK”. It connected immediately. Ardupilot was running with the following options:
sudo ./ArduPlane.elf -A udp:

Are steps you do any different?
Also, why do you prefer to use Mission Planner and not APM Planner?


Thanks for the response. I am trying exactly the same steps but no luck connecting. Fpr now I will just stick to APM Planner

I personally like MP but no big deal I can switch to APM Planner