Issue on average RTK data

Dear Concern,
We are trying to collect average RTK data of a particular time but it receives only last time coordinate.
In explain, suppose, we want to collect average RTK data of 5 minutes on a point but it didn’t make the data average rather it saved last time data. Is there any suggestion regarding this problem?

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Hi Tapos,

You can set the averaging time for point collection right at the point collector tab in Emlid Flow. Go to Survey settings, and under Timer choose Averaging and set it to 5 minutes.

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Oh. Sorry for the late replay.
Yes, we followed the same method during our work. But it only record the last time data instead of averaging logging data.
However, as per your guidelines, I will check it again & let you know.
Thank you.

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Maybe that can help.

Your receiver is able to log its position in a file. You can find this file in the logging menu, it is called the “position file”. By cross-checking the timestamps with the CSV export file from your project, you can then find every position logged while you stayed on the survey point, allowing you to do the averaging yourself in a final step.


Hi Tapos,

I agree with Florian. I tested this workflow: recorded a position log, collected a single point for 5 minutes at the same time, and compared the results. Based on them, I can confirm that averaging works properly.

You can do the same test as well. Here is the guide that can help you with the log recording. Let me know how it goes.

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Thanks all for valuable suggestion.
Yes, I also checked but not receiving average value.
And one more thing, to check in log data is difficult for me. As I use UTM projection and log data in emlid studio is fine with WGS format.

And, another fact that as I use RTK method so I need instant result in Emlid flow app.

Hi Tapos,

Sorry for the silence here.

I see. Can you please send the averaged coordinate and the recorded log to I’d take a closer look at it.

Thanks for your reply. The receiver is working at field. So after come back office I will look that.
But additionally one more things I need to clear, that is emlid flow show real time average data on screen when log. As, I observe that it displaying E, N, Z and what is the last value of E,N,Z …that is in saved. So, it could be that emlid flow always display every cumulative second average data on emlid flow app in real time. Thats receiver recorded last averaged value and we mistakenly thought that emlid flow only record last data. Isn;t it?

Hi Tapos,

Good question! I discussed it with the devs, and yes, the position you see on the screen during point collection is the averaged position so far. So, that’s why the last value and the saved value are the same.

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Thank you so much. Now my concept is clear and the problem what I mentioned is solved.

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