Isolating M2 PPK

Good afternoon.
the last few days I have been having problems with missing triggers when using the emlid m2, and I saw a solution on this forum by using insulation to overcome the noise / slip cycle, what I want to ask is, what insulation is intended to soak this noise / slip cycle? and which parts need to be installed with this insulation? thank you.

Hi Rohstar,

Welcome to our community!

The missing triggers that you experienced may be caused by signal interference of GNSS signals and signals from other electrical devices. It’s a good idea to isolate the module to solve it. Let me collect some tips for you about it.

  • Keep M2 and its antenna as far from other electrical devices as possible.
  • Insulate M2 with aluminium foil.
  • Place the antenna as high as possible and use a ground plane if you can.

If after all these, you still experience missing time marks, please send your survey files to We’ll have a look at them.

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okay sir, thanks for the input. maybe I will make a mounting for this emlid using 3d print, and the inside and outside of the mounting will be given aluminum foil. hopefully this way there is no more missing trigger camera

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Hi Rohstar,

If you’d like to use this setup, I recommend placing the antenna higher. The mounting may cover it, which can affect satellite visibility. Also, please ensure that the Reach M2 has proper ventilation while surrounded by the mounting.

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