Is it because of the influence of cloudy weather so that the AR Ratio is not stable?

Is it because of the influence of cloudy weather so that the AR Ratio is not stable?

several times I found like this, single, float and fix alternated quickly…

what is the cause?.. Please enlighten me

Hi @echoxs,

I don’t think cloudy weather can affect satellite reception this way. From the SNR level changes, I’d say it looks more like RF interference.

I’ll need raw data, base correction, and position logs recorded for at least 10-15 minutes to take a closer look. Can you share them?

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Unfortunately I only enabled raw logs, hope it helps

I tried to share raw logs, I had turned it off several times, I thought restarting would change the situation…

we will try to place the base in a higher place, maybe because the location is close to the power transmission line

Hi @echoxs,

Looks it was indeed RF noise from these power lines that affected signal reception. I see many cycle slips in the logs, and the SNR level constantly changes:

Moving the units far from power lines should help with it. Feel free to share the results of the new test here!

elsewhere the tool is not a problem…
We’re just curious why when we’re surveying the area it’s always like that… it turned out to be true, maybe because the location is close to a high-voltage power line

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