I have the ship aboard a quad without taking off but the gps signal is irregular, how can I improve what parameters do I have to configure?
Can You show us a picture of your setup and describe it a bit more.
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I have placed the gps 20cm on the plate and I have covered the barometer with a mic microphone and I have placed a box on the plate to protect it from the sun and air flows. before taking off I keep armed the device in guided mode hoping that the gps does not vary much but I get those oscillations of extreme gps, I have been varying the parameters of EK to try to improve the stability of the gps without results
You need a ground-plane. Put a 6-10 cm (diameter) metal disk underneath the antenna.
Check out this thread by @bide : Antenna Ground Plane
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Are the results from the drone sitting inside or outside?
Outsite but there is a build near 1.5m
I obtained this result in exterior only gave the order to take off at 3 meters
log_0_2018-10-22-11-00-07_5.bin (2.6 MB)
44509307_2086851754961812_6915537670349258752_n.mp4.zip (5.2 MB)
Hi @alvin129012,
Have you calibrated PIDs?
No, Do I have to use autotune?
Hi @alvin129012,
Sure, you can start with Autotune.
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