Introducing Emlid Affiliate Program

We love to see how Emlid Community is spreading the word about Reach and Navio around the globe. A lot of engaging content about Emlid products has been emerging online for the past years. And all this time we’ve been pursuing the idea of endorsing the most active users for sharing their experience and educating newcomers via their own YouTube channels and blogs.

Today we are excited to introduce the Emlid Affiliate Program for those who are blogging about their Emlid experience! Now you can spread the word about your experience using Reach and benefit from it. Refer Emlid products via your personal link and earn commission out of purchases made after someone follows it.

How it works

  1. Sign up to become Emlid’s affiliate via the Affiliate Program webpage.
  2. We will give you a referral link with your unique referral ID that you can share throughout your media channels–blog, website, YouTube video, or forum.
  3. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase from the Emlid store within 30 days, you earn 5% commission.

At each step, you’ll be able to track your stats or get in touch with us via Affiliate Dashboard.

Enroll today!


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