Intro to PPP with Reach Receivers

Hi @aholsteinson,

It would be a good opportunity. I’ll note your request. However, I suppose such integrations require participation by both parties. So, it’s not an easy task that is unlikely to be implemented soon.


Hi Svetlana there are several GNSS receivers that already have built in push static files to OPUS Static, TrimbleRTX and other free online post processing service, both PPP and DD.

There is no integration to the online services, it is just programing the receiver/data collector software to push or send the static file in RINX2.11 GPS only to NGS OPUS Static or the static RINEX3.x GNSS file to TrimbleRTX and the user will get the results in his email.

For TrimbleRTX results report come both in PDF and XML and this last one can be imported by the data collector sofware to use as control point coordinates and residuals. Very useful indeed.


Hi @aholsteinson,

Thanks for the explanation! I’ve passed the request to the team. We’ll check what we can do about this from our side.

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