Interface description and latency

I have a C# application in Windows and I receive messages from Reach via a socket.
The message for the single variant start with “1919 4343.40 59.90232223 19.235322343…”.
I would like a complete interface description so I can use kinematics as well. I need to send
the correction to the rover from the base.
Another question is how long latency is acceptable for the correction ???
Glad for some help.

Typically the configuration would be a max data age of 40 seconds. Any greater than that and you’re going to have a substantial drop in quality and will more than likely will not retain your fixed position.

I would recommend NMEA output if you’re planning to display or manipulate the streaming data from the Reach. It includes all the information you need, Lat, Long, Height, PDOP, HDOP, etc etc.

Check the Reach Documentation for how to set up a data link between the Base and Rover: