Initial set up of Reach RS2+

I have just purchased a Reach RD2+ and currently doing the initial set up straight out of the box.

I’m having issues updating the software for the first time set up.

  1. I input my WIFI name (NETGEAR68) and password
  2. Get the notification that Reach is connecting to another network. Switch to NETGEAR68 to continue
  3. Connect my iOS device to NETGEAR68 and nothing

There’s no SIM installed and have tried reconnecting etc

I managed to get it to update I believe it may have been something to do with the Ntrip profile I had set up. But now it’s updated the firmware and Internal test has failed :man_facepalming:t2:

Hi Thomas,

Sorry to hear you’re having issues with your RS2+, let’s investigate it.

Please check if the following steps will help:

  • Reboot your Reach and reconnect.
  • Connect to the Reach Panel using the IP address. If you can access the Reach Panel, please try to update your Reach from there: General > Firmware Updates.
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