Inconsistent alignment with base-map DXF compare to Fieldgenius Android

I’ve been trying to supply polylines for stake-out work and I am consistently getting the two different result using EMLID Flow 360 and FGA.

It stakes out fine using FGA, but not with EMLID Flow. The scenario below is using the horizontal and vertical CRS. I am wondering other users are experiencing similar issues, if I am doing something wrong or simply the base map is in emlid flow is very out of date. Basically, I am getting a DFX from Civil 3D and importing it into either platform.

Let me know,
Thanks for the help.

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I’d provide more details about your CRS’s for both vert and horz for BOTH apps. Same for the basemaps used.

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Could be some sort of error or date difference between the Mapbox (Emlid Flow) and Bing Maps (FGA) as you mention.

Through the settings of each, maybe try to match the same basemaps for each? I.e. in FGA basemap settings, see if you can plug in the same Web Map Service (WMS) settings as the aerial Mapbox in Emlid Flow?

Maybe try a different test to set both as the same OpenStreet Maps plain basemap and compare points on the road intersections to see if they are also offset?

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I agree to ensure that both CRS are aligned and try to use the same base maps, then check if the issue persists.

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I want to change the base map for a better resolution than the stock one. I have looked for Google or Bing https WMS and none I could find, works. Both EFLow and FGA have the same CRS.

Are there any suggested WMS for the United States areA or just World in general?